
GEDEX - User's Manual

Coding your Cases

GEDEX offers great flexibility numbering your cases, following the tradition of your firm.

GEDEX can be configured to use the numbering and classifying system used at your firm. A description of all the available posibilities follow.

Numbering cases: Reference code

The case's Home Page is where numbering takes place, using the Reference code field.

The Reference code consists of a sequential code and optionally a case opening year (if your firm happens to use it).

The number assigned to a case can be corrected or changed whenever you want. GEDEX will warn you if the same number is in use in other cases, but will allow you to use it in multiple cases. It is possible to use the same sequential code on multiple cases, if your firm works that way.

Sequential code or Order code

The cases numbering performed by GEDEX is based on an order number, named sequential code which is incremented automatically one by one for each new case. GEDEX does that increment automatically, but you can replace freely the suggested number for any other, at your will. Therefore, it is possible to leave gaps (not used numbers), start numbering from 3000, or repeat the same numbers on many cases.

If you are currently not using any matter numbering system (for instance you just print the client's name on the folder), you can leave GEDEX to generate numbers for you, which you can ignore. In the future, you can adopt any numbering system, and correct the numbers generated by GEDEX, or even use them as a basis for your new numbering.

Opening year

Many firms include the case's opening year as integral part of the numbering (for instance, matter number 4/2012). Following, all the case sorting posibilities are explained.

How to change the way the numbering and the year is displayed

The Reference code can be represented just as your firm tradition states.

If you include the matter's opening year, select at the Configuration menu the option Main configuration → Matters, one of the following possibilites, to state the relative position of the year:

- Show year before sequential code

For your third case in the year 2012 it would be displayed like this:

(examples, the exact representation can be selected freely)

- Show year after sequential code

For your third case in the year 2012 it would be displayed like this:

(examples, the exact representation can be selected freely)

- Show only sequential code, no years

That way, the opening year will not be displayed. Select this possibility if you do not want to include the matter's opening year.

Years can be represented at your firm using 2 or 4 digits. If your firm was created after year 2000, we recommend you the 2 digits representation, or 4 digits in other case. Decide the appropriate or your prefered representation and select at the Configuration menu the option Main configuration → Matters, one of the following posibilities:

- Show year using two numbers only

Check this option and the years will be displayed as 98, 99, 00, 01, 02, 03, ...

Uncheck this option to display years with 4 digits as 1998, ..., 2011, 2012, ...

Prefixes and suffixes

Check the option Allow Prefix and Suffix if you need to include in your numbering system even more data, for instance, location based codes, office codes, physical location, and any other codes. At the "Prefix, Suffix" field at the Home Page enter a free text and will be used as the Prefix. Enter a comma "," followed by text to enter the Suffix, if any.

This example includes the prefix or the suffix "NY" to represent New York (the meaning of your prefixes is totally free)


Anyway, if possible, we recomend you not to use Prefix nor Suffix. The same semantic expresivity can be achieved including a proper description at the appropriate field. For instance, location or state in the example could be expressed at the Title screen.


The field Tags is the place to enter multiple additional identifiers. Tags are a very powerful tool, that will enable to classify your cases in an easy way, to be able to perform searches or filter your matters.

We encourage you to use Tags instead of Prefix and Suffix.

Tags examples:

visa#7722 NY refered

With cases like this example in your firm, we could search for "visa#" and a listing of all the cases with tags like visa#7722 will be presented.

"NY" could mean New York, "refered" could be applied to a set of cases refered by one member of your firm.

Please create tags for each attributes applied usually to your physical folders, like post-it color tags, stamps, signatures, status, or any other used at your firm.

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