Welcome to the Notifications Agenda (also called BriTray), the common component used by many Brindys Software products.
This card offers practical solutions for a better use of the software.
BriTray manages the notifications agenda, notifications bar icons, updates installation, Brindys applications uninstallation, links Brindys applications, starts Brindys Update website.
BriTray performs uninstallation of many Brindys Software products.
Also GEDEX, WinRSS and BRiRESPA will not work if BriTray is not available, as they requiere to be executed periodically, and that operation is also performed by BriTray.
To restore or reinstall BriTray, download Brindys Update and BriTray will be available again in your system.
To change your preferences, use the Options Menu.
Read BriTray uninstallation for detailed instructions.
Brindys Software products documentation