Veritas filia temporis

Dates, Holidays and Legal Procedural Deadlines Calculator for Windows.

HabilCal is a program that allows you to calculate deadlines quickly and safely. Includes a complete automated date calculation system.

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Advantages of checking procedural deadlines with HabilCal

It offers you a series of preconfigured immediate access buttons for calculating deadlines for legal matters in labor, civil, criminal and other matters.

You have the possibility of viewing a single calendar or several, to facilitate reviewing the results of the calculations.

It incorporates calendars of holidays, festivities and business days of USA, Spain and several Latin American countries.

It allows you to copy and paste the results of the calculations, as a complete sentence with all the details, for example to Word.

Once the end date of a term has been calculated, you can schedule it in your calendar: it incorporates integration with multiple systems including Microsoft Outlook, Google Calendar, Yahoo, professional associations...

You will be able to perform calculations at full speed, thanks to having it installed on your PC, without having to search for web pages full of advertising.

It works in Spanish, English and Catalan, with parts translated into nine other languages.

Download and installation for Windows

Click here to download HabilCal. This version allows you to use HabilCal for private, non-professional use, for calculations with deadlines of less than two months. It has no deadline for use, so you can calmly decide to purchase a professional edition.

If you are a user of GEDEX Legal Case Management Software, you already have HabilCal installed. Just launch GEDEX and click F9

User's Manual

HabilCal User's Manual

With the guarantee of Brindys Software

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Integrated with GEDEX

If you know other programs by Brindys Software, HabilCal can be easily accessed from GEDEX cards to simplify deadlines calculation.