GEDEX organizes your cases in individual cards for each of them.
To display your cases, or to start a new case, click at the buttons bar the button with a folder picture (that is the first button from the left, titled "Show your Cases", "Show your Matters" or simmilar) and the listing will be presented.
Note: old GEDEX versions had a scale picture instead, titled "Show your cases".
The cases listing will be presented. If you have no cases by now the listing will be blank.
At the cases listing you will find the "Insert Case" button, titled "Insert case", "Insert matter", or "New matter", as in the following example:
Click the button and a new blank card will be created, a new matter.
In this card it is possible to include all the data related to the matter.
The top of the card has small tabs, which allow to access all the screens. The available tabs are:
Home page (main screen, a matter briefing)
Clients (clients, lawyers, barristers, and any other professional in your client's part)
Adversarials (adversarial clients and lawyers)
Common (other people involved, judge, judicial office, witness, expert, ...)
Title (additional information about the case, jurisdiction, proceeding, location, status, notes...)
Economy (economic status, economic notes details)
Actions (tasks performed or pending, appointments, terms, announcements)
Writings (digital and physical paper documents)
All fields are optional, but we advise you to enter at least a numerical reference, a title and clients.
To get more information about each screen, select from the links list.
Home page (main screen, a matter briefing)
Clients (clients, lawyers, barristers)
Adversarials (adversarial clients)
Common (judge, witness, expert ...)
Title (additional information about the case)
Economy (economic status, economic notes)
Actions (tasks, appointments, terms, announcements)
Writings (digital and physical paper documents)